When I was pregnant everyone told me to rest while I could. Of course I didn't listen. I was too busy cleaning and getting everything ready for Carter. What a mistake! Now I would give just about anything for some sleep. And I mean real, restful sleep.
Carter has actually been sleeping a lot better lately though. He has been sleeping through the night most nights; I usually put him to bed around 10:00 P.M., and he hasn't been waking up until around 7:00 A.M. most mornings. However, almost all of this good sleep has taken place in his swing. I know, I'm the worst mom ever! When I discovered this amazing phenomenon I did call my doctor, and she told me Carter could sleep in his swing (or car seat) until three or four months. Imagine my relief! She said she thinks Carter probably has some reflux that makes it uncomfortable for him to sleep flat on his back.
Last night I put Carter in his crib at 10:00. He slept in there until midnight. At midnight though I heard him fuss, so I quickly moved him into his swing, where he slept until 7:30 A.M. Carter and I are off to Appleton and then Chicago next week, so maybe we'll wait and try the whole transition-into-crib thing when we get home!
P.S. The top picture is of Carter sleeping in his car seat, in his crib! I thought it was kind of funny!