Now that Carter is getting older - and a little more predictable - I am able to actually leave him with a "babysitter." I wouldn't trust him with just anyone though. On Saturday, July 11, I worked at one of my dad's stores in New Richmond while my dad and Sabrina watched Carter. They said he was pretty good; he even took a nap. But they had a hard time getting him to take a bottle, even though he was starving. My mom had the same problem when she came down to watch Carter on Tuesday, July 14, so Jeff and I could go out to celebrate our anniversary. Jeff had been giving Carter at least one bottle a day since he was three weeks old. He seemed to really like the bottle. The last month though Carter and I have been traveling more, and Jeff has been working later. We kind of got out of the whole bottle routine. With more practice, he is getting better, but Carter had several days when he would scream and refuse to take the bottle. Jeff's heart broke every time I had to take Carter to feed him! The last couple of days have been much easier. Last night I went out to eat with some friends from school while Jeff watched Carter. Carter drank his bottle and was sleeping when I got home. We've found that Carter will drink a bottle only if it's breastmilk and the perfect temperature. What a stinker!
He is a cute stinker though!!!