Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Superman

I have been staying a little closer to home lately with the hope of getting my little superman on some sort of a schedule. Most nights Carter sleeps from 10:00 P.M. until 9:00 A.M., usually only waking up around 4:00 or 5:00 to eat. He eats as soon as he gets up in the morning and again around 11:00. Then I try to get us out of the house for an hour or so; we meet Beth or Tatiana for lunch or run some errands around town. I feed him again around 1:30 and then put him down for a nap, in his swing of course. He usually sleeps from 2:00 until 5:00. He eats as soon as he wakes up and again around 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00. We usually go for a walk at some point in the early evening, and Jeff usually gives him a bottle at either 7:00 or 8:00. Although I'm still spending a lot of time everyday feeding Carter, it has gotten much better. And I'm actually really enjoying breastfeeding now. (I'm so glad I didn't give it up in the beginning. Believe me, it was tempting.) I'm also really enjoying my time to myself in the afternoon!
P.S. I'm sure as soon as I post this Carter will change things up...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Road Trip

Last week, while Jeff was at We Fest, Carter and I decided to take a road trip! On Wednesday we drove to Appleton to visit Christine and Sophie. We did some shopping and even went to the pool. The next day Christine and Sophie rode with us down to Chicago to visit Mike and Alanna. It was well worth the long drive! I don't think Carter has ever had so much attention! We did more shopping and a lot of relaxing. Plus, we finally won the bottle battle. We bought some new bottles, and Carter seems to like them; he even took a bottle from me one night. Carter also started to grasp and play with a couple of his toys while we were in Chicago. He especially likes a giraffe named Sophie. (No, we didn't name the toy after Christine's baby. She came with that name.) It's so much fun to watch him learn how to use his hands.
While we may have won the bottle battle, the crib battle rages on. Carter continues to sleep very well at night; he'll sleep eight to eleven hours straight most nights. But he has to be in his swing, and the swing has to be moving, all night. I'm really not sure how to transition him from his swing to his crib. I've been trying to trick him into sleeping in his crib by laying him down in there asleep. If he doesn't wake up and immediately start crying, he usually lasts less than an hour. Then he gets so worked up that I have to feed him and pretty much start the whole bedtime routine over again. It would be so much easier just to let him sleep in his swing, but I can't get this image out of my head: Carter is so big that his legs are touching the ground as he swings himself to sleep. I'll keep you posted on our progress! Wish us luck!